Friday, May 22, 2009


The constellation Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter.


Kerubim (or cherubim) are angelic beings.


Jupiter is the King of the Olympian gods, and husband of Juno. He is lord of the sky and father of the gods. His Greek name is Zeus. His attribute is the lightning bolt and the eagle is both his symbol and his messenger. The oak is sacred to him.

The Orb

The Orb is the symbol of earthly dominion.


Queen Cassiopeia and her husband, King cepheus, ruled over the mythical realm of Ethiopia.

Cassiopeia was beautiful and arrogant. Her name means "she whose words excel". This mey be a euphemism referring to her boastful words.

Cassiopeia claimed that she and her daughter Andromeda were more beautiful than all the Nereids (daughters of the sea god Nereus)...which brought the wrath of Poseidon, god of the sea, upon Ethiopia.

Cepheus and Cassiopeia were told by an oracle that the only way to appease the sea gods was to sacrifice their daughter.

Andromeda was chained to a rock at the sea's edge at the mercy of Cetus, a sea monster who was destroying Ethiopia. But the hero Perseus arrived in time, saved Andromeda, and ultimately became her husband.

Poseidon punished Cassiopeia's vanity and boastfulness by placing her in the heavens near the Pole Star, which means that as she circles the celestial pole, she is upside-down for half a undignified!

The constellation of Cassiopeia is easily recognizable due to its distinctive 'W' shape formed by five bright stars. It is known as The Lady of the Chair, and depicts Cassiopeia sitting on her throne, gazing at herself in a mirror as she slowly turns sideways.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Tarot Trump XIV: Temperance

The meaning of the Temperance card is discussed on Wikipedia and Tarotpedia.

Marseilles Tarot

The ritual specifies use of images from the Marseilles Tarot.

Tarot Trump III: The Empress

Prosperity; fertility; reassurance; love; support; security; stability; creativity.


Mother of Juno, and the other Olympian gods (Jupiter / Zeus, Neptune / Poseidon, Ceres / Demeter, Mars / Ares, Mercury / Hermes, Vulcan / Hephaistos, Venus / Aphrodite, Minerva Athena, Apollo, Diana / Artemis and Vesta / Hestia, Pluto / Hades.)

Rhea was wife to Saturn / Kronos. she was the Titaness daughter of Uranus the sky, and Gaia the earth.